Newsletter Image: 
Equine Matters - Spring 2018
Newsletter Summary: 
We are looking at a wide range of problems and conditions in this issue; Suzanne Duncan of Clyde Vet Group tells us about a relatively uncommon but very serious condition of young foals whilst Julia Shrubb of Ashbrook Equine Hospital gives some very helpful practical advice on a subject likely to be well known to many of you; laminitis. Over recent years, we have heard much in the media about the rise of so-called 'superbugs' like MRSA and whilst it may not be initially obvious where horses fit into this, Ben Gaskell takes a look at how we can take responsible steps as both horses owners and as vets to make sure we are not contributing to the problem. A very important read! I very much hope you enjoy this informative and hopefully thought-provoking edition!
Newsletter Date: 
April 2018

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